As-a-Service Periodic Table

Rishi Yadav
2 min readMar 16, 2022

Whenever a new technology trend takes off, a funny problem arises the problem of prefixes. I have covered prefixes for different Kubernetes distributions in an internal document a few months back and I will make it public soon. Today I am going to have a funny take on different flavors of As-a-Service offerings and is they are enough to make a periodic table-like structure.

Shameless plug: We are revolutionizing the As-a-Service landscape with which provides an Environments-as-a-Service platform for modern applications. Do check it out.

Alphabetic Table

Periodic table containers over 100 elements so that may be slight overkill for now. Let’s start with 26 alphabets as prefixes and let’s see how far we can go:

  1. AaaS = Analytics as a Service
  2. BaaS = Backend as a Service
  3. CaaS = Containers as a Service | Content as a Service
  4. DaaS | DBass = Data as a Service | Database as a Service
  5. EaaS = Environments as a Service |
  6. FaaS = Functions as a Service | AWS Lambda | Azure Functions
  7. GaaS = Games as a Service
  8. HaaS = Hardware as a Service
  9. IaaS = Infrastructure as a Service
  10. JaaS = Vacant spot (there are some vendor acronyms which I am ignoring)
  11. KaaS = Knowledge as a Service
  12. LaaS = Logging as a Service | Location as a Service
  13. MaaS = Monitoring as a Service
  14. NaaS = Network as a Service
  15. OaaS = Operations as a Service
  16. PaaS =Platform as a Service
  17. QaaS | QAaas = Quality as a Service
  18. RaaS = Recovery as a Service
  19. SaaS = Software as a Service
  20. TaaS = Testing as a Service
  21. UaaS | UCass = Unified Communications as a Service
  22. VaaS = Video as a Service
  23. WaaS = Vacant spot (there are some vendor acronyms which I am ignoring)
  24. XaaS = Everything as a Service
  25. YaaS = Vacant spot (there are some vendor acronyms which I am ignoring)
  26. ZaaS = Vacant spot (there are some vendor acronyms which I am ignoring)

This post was created with Typeshare



Rishi Yadav

This blog is mostly around my passion for generative AI & ChatGPT. I will also cover features of our chatgpt driven end-2-end testing platform